Victoria Lanzillo - Animation Demo

Profile photo for Victoria Lanzillo
Not Yet Rated


A smattering of VO's from evil masterminds, to spies to princesses!

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
lily lily. Come here. It's okay. I promise you it's okay. Just I need you to come here right now. Please. I can keep you safe. But you have to be next to me lily. Take my hand. Now hurry. Take my hands lily. Come on. Oh, I've got you tied up and I have my new laser shoes on. If only I knew how to operate them. Oh boy! Would you be in trouble? But luckily I do know how to operate this electric shock shock briefcase. I'm still learning how the briefcases here work. Did you know that if we were ever in space and able to actually go through a black hole and pop out on the other side that we would never be able to come back through again. Space is so cool. Oh, and don't even get me started on white holes. No underlings come out at once. The orb of chaos has been stolen right from under your incompetent noses. Go now and return what is rightfully mine. They will rue the day they dared mess with Shadow. What do you want from me, Michael? You don't have the guts to talk to me for a year. And now today, in the pouring rain. Now you want to talk You know what? I'm over this. I'm over you now. Please never talk to me again. Do you understand Jackson? I told you you can't go to derek's house today. You have a dentist appointment at 3 30 PM, followed by soccer practice at five and then homework and dinner. There's just no time today. Bradley Bradley. Put down that match. Our sofa is highly flammable. Okay. You know what? Mommy needs some chardonnay. Oh my God. Yeah. I think we just became best friends. Let's take a selfie and now we can be blocked blood Sisters too. Oh, good. You're here. What? Oh, do you want me to act like I'm still in danger so you feel better? Oh, no, Help me. I'm a poor princess trapped in the forest with no way of saving myself, blah blah blah. Sorry, Prince charlie. You're gonna have to be a lot faster than that next time. This is victoria lands. Hello. Thanks for listening.