Impressions and Sound Alikes

Profile photo for Lou Lambert
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Compilaton of multiple impressions and sound alikes, if you have something specific you would like to hear just send me and emal.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, now you've done it. You have pushed the impersonation slash sound, but you know what I mean. The dark skies have parted. The heavens have opened up. And who makes a grand appearance? But got a Morgan Freeman. Hold on, Jack. You're messing with the powers that be. And that be me. Don't make me bring Kevin Spacey in here. What has something to think about? Why is it I wonder that hardly anyone does an impression of Kevin Spacey. Why, that would be doing an impression of an impressions. After all, he is a master of impressions himself. Have you ever heard him do Christopher Walken? How I hear voices? I'm told Andi it would be unfortunate for the rest of the world if they ever got out of my head. Oh, look, that goes one. Now he looks like Liam Neeson. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If it's a straight read your after, I don't have any. What I do have is a particular set of skills skills that allow me to be anyone I want. So if you stop listening right now, that will be the end of it. If not, I will look for you. I will find you, and I will turn you into El Chino. Who? Uh I don't know. I seem to be out of order. Your honor board. He's out of order. Everybody's out of order. Except Robert De Niro. Al. Did I or did I not invite you into my circle of trust? Did I? Yes, I did. I invited you into my circle of trust. You've got a cute got gift. You? Yes, you do. Yes, you do. And Sean, economies gotta give too. Well, yes, you do, Shawn. Well, yes, you do. I suppose it's true. I do have a gift. You see, a long time ago, I was in a movie and I received a Goldfinger. Thank you, MGM. I sincerely hope I can return the favor someday. I was hoping that I don't like that. You have what? He's sad. It seems like I'm not the older ones. A particular set of skills. You've got a gift. You I told you that you got a gift. Yes, you do.