Animation Characters Singing



Tricia Stewart Shiu has that warm, natural, conversational sound. Recent Clients: Amazon, Ancestry, PepsiCo, ESPN, UPS Global, Noom. Available via SourceConnect or the platform of your choice. Conversational, Friendly, Hip, Girl Next Door, Natural, Sophisticated, Warm, Announcer, Mother, Real

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Don't be silly You need about a Me I am the queen not your queen that I say you could laugh You gave us Ah, home for that. We're so glad The least we can dio is help you clean your pad. Well, you found one. I'm Bettina. Want to be my workout buddy? You can do pushups with me like this. That's it. There's nothing there going through Blink and you'll miss me. How do you want to die? Death looms closer. There's no escape. You'll never see me coming. Ah! Uh huh. Really? Huh? Mm hmm. Uh uh uh Okay. Who E 00 Uh huh?