Ian Russell - 2021 Luxury British Commercial Demo

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Ian Russell - 2020 Luxury British Commercial Demo - This demo has been described as - Attractive , Authoritative , Classy , Mature , Natural , Soothing , Sophisticated , Genuine , Charismatic , Confident , Spokesperson , Announcer , Real Person , Executive , Business Man

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is luxury isn't the comfort of extravagance, Or is it the pleasure of fulfilling your deepest desires? Way believe is the best photo co pay in the world. If it's no, they're more than 50 international awards. We better give back. You meet, you, greet you, hug you, talk, you listen, you smile, learn all the great ways a man can give you a better digital life and understand how Max could make your life easier on your possibilities. Endless. That's why Emirates offers you first class private suites on all our newest aircraft. What makes Wimbledon great, is it? How long became the sport definitive battleground? Or how the colour white stands for more than traditional musical chairs? Fun, right? Well, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. That's their game. The flight you want. Which leaves you wondering who's in charge of this relationship. Mercedes