Character reel

Profile photo for Ian Russell
Acheivement Badges Top Talent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm still undecided. About what to bake. Should make doughnuts or a meringue. No woman. I should make doughnuts. I've decided to do a variation on the classic carrot cake, boiled beef and carrots kick. I thought about making champagne truffles for about two seconds, and I said my man had its by instead because I've got loads of money. I don't know what the dough we don't know much putting in India. What will I do? Owe Carrie booting with Bob Adams fuel through batter or good batter. My favourite is made with flour eggs on a baseball bat. So I'm going to take some corn and some lima beans. Then I'm gonna take it out into the desert, and I'm going to leave it. There is gonna be cold suffering succotash. Yeah, I'm gonna keep it simple. I'm just gonna grab a call one, and I'm gonna throw it out a while on the ball. Yeah, boy, I'm just gonna keep it simple. I'm gonna sit down and relax like some of the old dusty. Well, I decided to do pie. You can do lots of different types of you could do a cherry pie, and you could do apple on. You could do a peach pie with pecans on top of it. His life is like a pie crust. Sometimes it could be too short.