Ariika Product Video - English Neutral

Video Narration


Commercial for a new chair from the Ariika collection.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in our line of work, you learn a lot about the little things that make up the big picture, the little measurements that make or break the integrity of your design and the little edges that make up the little meeting points between craft and aesthetic. Much like memories. A good chair stands the test of time getting stronger when times get rough and much like a good chair. Memories Air made almost entirely ah, fluff seasoned with use in this little hours of the afternoon. A good chair gets better with every memory, giving you something to fall back on before sleep takes you for the night to revisit you in the morning and gently nudge you awake, introducing Erica rocking recliners. Comfort that stays with you.