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Commercial Spots for an Identity checker website Performance showcases - Smart - Intelligent - Convincing - Believable - Authentic - Casual - Easygoing - Reassuring - Straightforward - Attractive - Charismatic - Informative - Confident - Business Woman - Spokesperson - Millennial - Real Person

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everybody has a reputation, some good, some not so good. What if you could check people's reputation scores to find out who your really associating with? That's the power of my life. My life is better than Google for uncovering everything from hidden criminal records to personal character reviews. I look up everyone neighbor's home service providers, even so called friends. Reputation is everything. Protect yourself with my life. Check anyone's reputation, including your own at my life dot com. Doing business with people you don't know compose riel risks. In fact, one in three people lie about their past or exaggerate about work. But what if you could check people's reputation score before you deal with them? That's the power of my life. My life is better than Google for uncovering everything from hidden criminal records, too. Candid personal character reviews. Reputation is everything. It's why millions of people trust my life each month. Check anyone's reputation, including your own. At my life dot com