COVID 2020

Profile photo for Kate Martin
Acheivement Badges Superstar
Video Narration


Covid related 2020

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Right now, the people and small businesses in our community need every advantage to move forward and thrive. That's where the community bankers at American National Bank can help our commercial banking teams live and work in the same place you call home. We're in your community and in your corner today and tomorrow. You can count on US, American National Bank and trust company. Visit a local branch and switch today am n b dot com member F D I c Equal Housing lender. We made it through the banana bread phase, the whipped coffee phase and the sour dough phase. These phases brought us together when we needed it most. But now we finally entered the sick of my own cooking phase. The good news. Call a power healthier versions of the food you crave ready at the speed of life. Call of power we've got. You were looking for a special kind of person at ST Peter's Health, the kind of person who wakes up every morning with an internal drive to be a force of good, a person who loves their community and is always looking for a chance to make it better. We're looking for the kind of person who can be the calm in a chaotic room and knows the value of a solid team in their corner. We're looking for favor doers, the time givers, the people who can put their hearts on their sleeves, then roll those sleeves up at ST Peter's Health. We know there's good to be done, and we're looking for a special kind of person to help us do it. Remember how my car was making that weird noise last week? It had gone away, so I figured everything's fine, right? So I'm making my usual coffee stop before I head out on the first sales call of the day. Get back in the car, turn the ignition, start driving. And about 10 minutes down the road, my car start smoking. Of course I pulled over, and as soon as I grab my coffee and jump out of the car, my car is in full blown flames Flames. Now I'm just standing on the side of the road drinking my coffee, watching my car burn the fireman. Come tow my car Whole nine yards. So you remember that squirrel Steve that had been hanging out in my yard? and I built the manager picnic table for yeah, he moved into my car and chewed up my wires and his nest caught fire. That's what destroyed my car. Thanks, Steve. Fortunately, we work with merchants, so I got a replacement vehicle quickly. I guess other people are having issues with squirrels moving into their cars, too. They suggested I ditched the picnic table.