English - Commercials

Television Ad


sounded believable

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
by a child for life with neo Nestle Nan. It has high quality, a pro deal provided and other essential nutrients. Important few child's physical growth, praying growth, digestion and immunity. Slain and grow all growth. All possibilities like Chandu wondering what's missing in their child's type. R p I asked nicely dark or chat Korean Nestle nutrition experts. It is absolutely healthy for PET to run around and play. They like to jump climbed arches role. The time spent out Doris Fun. But the cleanup after that can be one the best for last wants. And there are aisles of products to choose from while these products tend to meet your requirements. What we missed a notice is that there are chemical ingredients that go in the making of most of these products.