VideoGame Demo (Energetic, Youthful,Brave,Protagonist,Teen)



Hi guys please enjoy my demo i put some voices here that i thought were great templates! It really all depends on your project! I can workshop anything until your completely satisfied! If you looking for anything from young teen hero to duper baddy please feel free to reach out!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What's the matter? More of a challenge than you expected? Good because I got a lot more where that came from. It's over. I'm gonna take you down. That's some spicy sauce. How could you just sit there and eat that with a straight face water? I need water. You know you talk a big game when it comes to fighting kids you ever take on someone your own size? No please she hasn't done anything wrong. You can do whatever it is you want with. Please just let her go. I'm the one you want. Oh no thank you. Mrs peabody. Oh I couldn't see it. Another bite. Uh You gonna eat them dumplings? Hey? I know sometimes it might feel like there's no one left alive but us. But I promise you there are others out there and they're looking for us too. Of course my darling thank you so much for stopping by. Please be sure to visit us again because I would hate it if something were to happen to you.