ELearning Demo - Professional - Instructional - Informative - Helpful

Profile photo for Elise Taff
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


A compilation of various eLearning projects.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh hi there, how's it going? I know you're in the middle of solving customer issues and I wanted to make sure I shared one of my pro tips with you. You may have noticed there are a lot of different forms and schedules a customer could call in about. Are you expected to memorize every line of every form for every state and return type? Heck, no. Let's go over the learning objectives for this module. Please select the images to learn more. We will describe the various types of income and deductions and explain how these apply to snap benefit calculations. We will review a selection of policy and procedural basics to better understand the processing of earned and unearned income processing deductions, self attestation and strategies to obtain additional verification. We've all seen questionable behavior and felt concerned whether at work or in our personal lives, anyone who witnesses a harmful or potentially harmful situation is a bystander. When we're bystanders, we have the choice of whether to do nothing or to take action to reduce the chances of someone being harmed by stepping in, we become active bystanders.