Audiobook Humor



The reading of a humorous autobiography.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is for Martin shorts, I must say, I've always loved this story about Hollywood. In 1981 the legendary costume designer Edith Head passed away. A few days later, the great actor William Holden died tragically from a fall. In the same time period, Allen Ludden, the host of the game show password and husband of Betty White, died as well. Now, according to Hollywood folklore, celebrities always die in threes, and nothing thrills Hollywood more than seeing it's bogus folklore realized so newscasters on all the L A TV stations were proclaiming left and right. You see, it's true. They die in threes. And then suddenly Natalie Wood died and the newscasters dropped Allen Ludden. Even in death, his heat was fleeting in Hollywood, your hottest at the point when you're all about anticipation, when everybody in the business knows you have product pending, but none of it is out yet, you're busy in demand, hectic Lee, jumping from one job to the next, energized by a sustained industry murmur of Marty Short. Marty Short could be bad. Could be big eye. Here is something I hear. He's something. You have a Marty short thing cause I have a Marty short thing