
Video Narration


Comedy Announcer stuff

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know me and Ed sauce comes from fresh tomatoes, but your mouth thinks it's from an angel but, um Angel and should be renamed Britney the Sauce Angel. Me and Ed's 60 Years of World Famous Pizza. Think with your mouth. 60 years ago, it all started with the chicken and a dream. A dream to put a ready to cook chicken on every dinner table in Jamaica gnome. Or should house wives struggle to pluck and prepare a pricey dinner before plopping down pooped at the end of the day? No. Dinner should be easy, tasty, affordable, fast enough for moms to enjoy family time. And it should be presentable. It should be the best dressed chicken. Jamaica's pride, you know me and heads cooks their crust and custom made brick ovens. But your mouth thinks oven. No giver of life. Thank you, Mother of pizza Me and heads 60 years of world famous pizza. Think with your mouth when you wait forever for the cable ***, you get bored when you get bored, you start staring out windows. When you start staring out windows, you see things you shouldn't see when you see things you shouldn't see you need to vanish when you need to vanish. You fake your own death When you fake your own death, you dye your eyebrows when you dye your eyebrows, you attend your own funeral as a guy named Phil Shift Lee. Don't attend your own funeral as a guy named Phil Shipley. Get rid of cable and upgrade to direct TV.