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Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


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this book is dedicated to the everyday dad. It's dedicated to you, the man who is reading this right now. It's dedicated to the men like you who desire to step up their game as men, husbands, fathers and significant others. The dad role has changed significantly over the past several decades. In my opinion, being a dad is harder now than it ever has been. However, we are seeing a dramatic shift in the modern approach to being a dad. Dad's today have more desire to step up and improve the connection with their kids than ever before. The stereotypical provider Dad, where a dad only brings home a paycheck, is a thing of the past. Whether we admit it or not, DATs today want to leave a legacy that involves something far greater than money for material possessions. Dance today desire a deep connection with their kids, an opportunity to instill character, purpose and manners, the joy of creating loving and lasting memories with their kids and, most of all, the chance to become a powerful force for good in their child's life. We dads want to be more involved. We want to connect. Overall, we want to enjoy our journey. His father's no father wants to live with any regrets. None of us want to be lying on our deathbeds mourning What might have been. Here's the dilemma. Most of us simply struggle with knowing how to do all of these things and do them well. We're so busy putting ourselves down, telling ourselves that we're failing and trying to measure up to some crazy notion of perfection. Not only is being a father extremely difficult, but we also have a really hard time enjoying it. For most of us, the journey of fatherhood can be daunting because there really is no road map. The dad's edge is all about giving you strategies to become that dad you want to be. It is about giving tips to help you with the small changes that will lead to a big transformation. It's all about giving you that road map. When we arm ourselves with strategy, purpose and confidence, there is nothing that can stand in our way. This book will not necessarily give you any parenting tips for how to discipline your Children. In a way, this book is really not even about parenting. Here's the truth. This book is all about you. It's dedicated to help you become the best version of yourself so you can give your best to your kids once we become the best versions of ourselves. Being a better dad is simply a byproduct of the process. This book is all about giving you critical tools and resources to avoid the most common pitfalls that trip up almost every dad out there. It's meant to help you quiet your fear and stress chatter, your fear and stress. Jeter is the part of your brain and conscience that always seems to yammer away yourself, worth self confidence and self love. It's that voice that likes to constantly remind you that you aren't good enough. It's the voice that talks you out of taking risks, living life to the fullest and ultimately talked you out of being the dad you want to be. The fact that you have bought this book proves at least one thing you desire to be a better dad. It also proves that you want to unlock the secrets to an enjoyable life, not only with your kids but yourself and everyone around you. So with that being said, I want to congratulate you for taking the time to up your dad game. Some of the best investments we make in life are the investments in ourselves. The dividends and payoffs come in the form of greater self assurance, confidence and improved skill level in anticipating challenges. Mastering these skills will result in improved relationships with their kids and spouses, and just a overall feeling of enjoyment and fulfillment in life. Sound daunting? To be honest, it is quite a bit easier than you think. This book is a compilation of my own experiences, efforts. It's self improvement, healing and hours upon hours of interacting with Dad's just like you.