POLITICAL RADIO SPOTS - National, Regional and County Candidates

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* Funny and humorous take on \"Real Housewives\" series describing Democrats as the \"Real Democrats of Washington DC\".
* Various Serious Political Spots told as a story teller or real voter.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if you thought the housewives were dysfunctional waiting to you meet the real Democrats of Washington, D. C. Their caddy trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table. Their arrogant Mamet, the Do me a favor could just say Senator instead of man. Just the thing I worked so hard to get that title and they're in charge of the American people voted for change under Democrats Reality Bites Goproud is responsible for the content of this advertising. Pat Miles comes from three generations of West Michigan roots. He's worked with small businesses and has been a leader in our community. Pat knows that jobs won't just appear education won't just get better and our budget more balance itself. Pat Miles will never compromise fighting for jobs, and he'll never compromise fighting for us. Justin Amash has sold out. He sold out our workers, he sold out our kids future and he sold out America. Our next congressman needs to put our families and jobs first. I'm Pat Mild and I approve this message. The headlines tell the story. Steve Silverman over 70% of his money from developers, but There is a different story I collected endorsed by the post and cassette because he got it right. He'll slow the pace of growth and be an independent voice for all citizens of Montgomery County. Not the special interests. Judgment, temperament, integrity. Ike Leggett. Decisive Leadership for Montgomery County Repeatedly, the House Ethics Committee has found Tom DeLay guilty of serious rules violations. Tom DeLay is a national embarrassment. He should resign his leadership position, if not his office. Congressman Hastings, you're the chairman of the ethics committee. Do your job and clean up Congress without delay. Indian casino tribes play money politics in Sacramento. $120 million in the last five years. Casino's make billions yet pay no taxes and virtually nothing to the state. Other states require revenue from Indian gaming, but not us. It's time for them to pay their fair share