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So I turn on Sesame Street and I say, Oh, good. Now who learn? Not account spell. But then I learn Sesame Street Hostel teaches kids other things like college urge People began a character on their name Oscar and the judge, um, they judge them too. After you are, show me is any gates you ask? Er you're our ground by bids 11 of for can trash Kane on the poor. Some of the folk on Sesame Street Nobody's trying to help me. Why? You wonder why you kids grow up to step over homeless people Get it together, grout, Get a job, Crouch. So don't tell me how to go to Sesame Street. I wouldn't go there if I knew the way ****** six foot pigeons walking around an elephant. That junkie. Hi, Bron Bird. I am sick. I need some smack burned. And then they got the nerve to put up Pam Pan There. Now lady in, say he was a pimp. But I know a pimp when I see one. He had the cape in everything. They called him the count. He was like, pick up. Where is my money? You've been laid poor times. I've been garden. How many times was I smack you before you act right on to a