Commercial Reel

Television Ad


Having worked narrating adverts for three years, with clients including the NHS and Southwest Rail, Beau has the expertise, drive and dedication needed to bring your copy to life, be it a TV ad, radio or online. Warm, assured and personable, Beau's voice can slot in to the world of your ad easily.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
these days, we don't have a lot of time for the little things. It seems like there's always something bigger. Something more important to do. It's easy to push these little things to the side to forget about them. But here at Barclays, we don't forget. That's why we're introducing the little things fund. Because after all, if you take care of the pennies, then the pounds will take care of themselves. Excellent. What is it? Why are we so compelled to strive for it? Is it a thought? A feeling? It's a state of mind. Excellent. By Yves, Saint Laurent people of Britain. For years we have waited. But the time has come no longer shall we bask in squalor. We shall rise up and reclaim our chips. In the old days of the west. There weren't too much to look forward to. Death and disease lingered around every corner. The land was wild and untamed and those that came to settle it well, they weren't too much better themselves. But there was one thing the hardworking people of the frontier did have to look forward to. After a long, hard day of surviving their whiskey bullet frontier bourbon for the wilderness. In all of us. Every hour in the UK, dozens of people use a food bank as their only way to get nutrition. You can help her to stop to food poverty only, you know, your pets individual needs. But I am no to the nutrition they need for seven signs of healthy vitality. All with a great new taste. Space is something we all need sometimes that's why. The Skoda Octavia now has more space than ever before, allowing you to get the space you need. The chosen ones must board the works train and pass further into their secretive world, splintering around the labyrinth of twisted track. Just remember to beware. The wicker Man credit checks. New interface allows quick and easy access to your past checks and remember checking doesn't affect your credit score With deliveries beginning at just 99 p. Let's just eat. Make you feel epic this summer.