Young Adult Female Animation/Cartoon - Hero/Villain/Disney Princess

Profile photo for Alaina Wis
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


animation, animated, cartoon, disney, disney princess, nickelodeon, dreamworks, cartoons, hero, villain, singing, song, singer, superhero, marvel, star wars, barbie, high energy, upbeat, energetic, acting, emotional, southern, british, scottish, pirate, cornish, anime, adult animation

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (Canadian-General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What? Waiting for the big guy to come save you. He's so wrapped up in posing for the cameras. He's forgotten what hero work is all about. Give me your hand. I got you All right. Hold on tight. Well, boys don't just stand there. All power to the engines. All right. Nicole. If you want to play rough, do you stop? If you're going to make the scare squad, you have to get a total makeover. I'm talking tease that for file those claws and get those paws and moving with the bait. You can be my new project to the montage. It's hard doing this without you. Dad. I tried. I really did, but I'm just not as smart as you with this stuff. I ended up nearly killing myself and my friends and I were trapped here and it's all my fault. So Orion sent you. Did hear that fool needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. Turn around now. I have no time for such amateurs. What's this? Well, hey there, Sugar plum. I've got a whole host of treats just waiting for you. Don't just stay in. Their times will waste in. You've got to try the cupcakes and muffins and you gotta take some cookies with you. I won't take no for an answer in exchange green for this cloth. Yeah, just might work. Have seen I know that this is I'll find my