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Radio Imaging
Versatile voice with a dynamic emotional range - from conversational and compassionate , to cool and wry , to energetic and announcer , to sturdy and authoritative

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
one point set plays hit after hit after hit after hit after he after he after hit your all new hit music station, ZZ one. A 1.7 All your country favorites air out here in the country. Cat Country, 19.799 point from the seventies. 17 eighties, 19 nineties and Mawr and none of the stuff you don't music You're looking floors on W KZ year. Charlotte, Rock, Rock Hill and all of your county is kicking the dog to the curve in favor of the country. 97. Thanks for making us your station radio station. This is New York's only family friendly station, and this is your only station for a new music. New Music First Field of Power The power of P. L J Straight on Skid Row Studios in downtown Los Angeles is the Love Frost and Mo Show.