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Updating Your Mailing and Billing Address

HOW DO I UPDATE MY MAILING ADDRESS? As a Client If you are a client, you can update your mailing address by doing the following: Log in to your Voic...

Canadian Sales Tax (HST/GST)

WHY AM I BEING CHARGED HST/HST AT CHECKOUT? As a registered Canadian business, Voices is responsible for the collection of HST/GST from our Canadian c...

How do I review a voice over talent’s revision policy?

REVIEWING TALENT REVISION POLICIES Once a job has been posted, talent will begin to audition. Within each audition in the Response tab of the job, you...

Revision Policies

Jump to: What is a revision?How much should I charge for a revision?How do I set a Revision Policy?What should I include in a Revision Policy? Can I c...

How do I describe my voice and what words should I use?

Describing Your Voice When it comes to describing your voice, there are several factors that come into play, both creative and technical.Writing a con...

Live Directed Sessions

WHAT IS A LIVE DIRECTED SESSION? A live directed session takes place when a client and a talent in two different locations, connect with one another o...

If I work a Professional Service Job, when will I be paid?

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE JOB PAYMENT TERMS Unlike traditional job postings on Voices, Professional Services jobs often have a higher average budget and l...

How do I improve my Statistics?

IMPROVING STATISTICS Premium voice over talent have access to the Statistics section of their profile, which can be accessed here or by clicking on ‘...

What are the Statistics of successful talent?

SUCCESSFUL TALENT STATISTICS There are many ways to define success on Voices. Depending on whether or not you’re looking to get started in the world o...

What do talent Statistics mean?

UNDERSTANDING TALENT STATISTICS Premium and Platinum voice over talent have access to the Statistics section of their profile, which can be accessed h...

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