Shortlisting and Sharing Responses

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How Do I Create And Share Shortlists?
Can I Customise (White Label) My Shortlists?
How Do I Add Talent to My Favorites List?
    From a Profile 
    From a Search Result
How Do I Create A New Favorite List? 
How Do I Add Talent To An Existing Favorites List?
Can I Invite All Talent On A Favorites List To A Job?
Why Did A Favorited Demo Or Portfolio Sample Disappear From My Favorites List?
Can A Talent Live On More Than One Of My Favorites Lists?


How Do I Create And Share Shortlists?

To create and share a shortlist, navigate to the job you’re interested in creating a shortlist for. Typically, these would be jobs in the ‘Hiring’ phase. Once you’ve located the job, select the ‘Responses’ tab to see the responses submitted.

There are two ways to create a shortlist:

Click the ‘Shortlist’ button next to the talent’s response. 

  • This will prompt you to create a new shortlist by clicking ‘+ Create Shortlist’.
  • Title your new shortlist.
  • Select ‘Create & Add 1 Response’ to complete the setup.
  • Select ‘Shortlist’ to add a response to your new shortlist.

Or, click the ‘+ Create Shortlist’ button. 

  • Your ‘+ Create Shortlist’ button is found under ‘Shortlist and Share Responses' located on the left-hand side of your page.
  • Name your new shortlist, click ‘Create Shortlist’.
  • Now when you select the ‘Shortlist’ button next to a response you’ll be prompted to choose which shortlist you’d like to add the response to.

When you have multiple shortlists, you will be asked which shortlist you would like to add new responses to.

To view, share, edit or delete a shortlist:

  • Click the three vertical dots next to the name of the shortlist on the left side of the page.
  • Select the action you’d like to perform.

Quick Tip: You can create and share shortlists with anyone, regardless of whether or not they have a Voices account. 


Can I Customize (White Label) My Shortlists?

The ability to customize (white label) your shortlists to include your logo and allow audition files to be downloaded is available exclusively to those who have paid for a Voices Plus or Voices Enterprise membership. Learn more about our plans by clicking here .

To customize your shortlist:

  • Click the three vertical dots next to the name of the shortlist on the left side of the page.
  • Select ‘Edit Shortlist’.
  • From this edit view, you can:
    • Edit the ‘Shortlist Name’.
    • Edit the Theme, aka branding. Choose from: ‘Voices’, ‘Custom’, ‘None’. If you select ‘Custom’ you can add:
      • ‘Contact Name’
      • ‘Contact Email’
      • ‘Phone Number’ 
      • ‘Upload Your Logo’
    • Select which ‘Talent Information’ you’d like viewers to see. Select from:
      • ‘Show Talent Name’
      • ‘Show Talent Rating’
      • ‘Allow File Download’
      • ‘Link to Talent Profile’
      • ‘Show Price Quote’
      • ‘Enable Voting’
    • Under ‘Review’, you can:
      • Edit a talent’s name.
      • Reorder responses by dragging and dropping responses into your desired order.
      • ‘Add More Responses’
    • Select ‘Publish” to save your changes.
    • You’ll then be taken to a preview of your shortlist. 
This view includes a ‘Share With Others’ button where you can copy your shortlist’s URL.

How Do I Add Talent To My Favorites List?

There are two ways to add a talent to your Favorites lists for future contact. You can do so from a talent’s profile or from a search result. 

From a Profile

In the Demos or Portfolio Sample section of a talent profile you can click the grey (❤) icon that accompanies a demo or portfolio sample. 

From a Search Result

When viewing search results, you can click the grey (❤) icon that appears next to the audio player or ‘View Translation Sample’.


How Do I Create A New Favorite List? 

Click the heart icon that accompanies a demo or portfolio sample. When the heart icon is clicked, a small window will open asking you to create a new Favorites list by selecting ‘+ Create New List’.

If you do not yet have a favorites list, only ‘+ Create New List’ will appear. You can click that, name the list, and click create.

The icon will turn red (❤) when it has been saved to your Favorites.


How Do I Add Talent To An Existing Favorites List?

Click the heart icon that accompanies a demo or portfolio sample. When the heart icon is clicked, a small window will open asking you to indicate which Favorites list you’d like to add the demo or portfolio sample to.

If you have more than one Favorites list, each list will appear in the small window.  By default, talent will be added to the most recently used or created Favorites list. You can uncheck the default list they have been added to to remove them, and/or add them to a different list.

If you would like to add the demo or portfolio sample to more than one Favorites list, you can do so by checking each box you would like to add it to.

If you have previously saved any demo(s) or portfolio sample(s) to a Favorites List, a heart icon will appear at the upper left of the talent’s profile image as a reminder.


Can I Invite All Talent On A Favourite List To A Job?

Yes! Access your Favorites lists by navigating to your ‘Me’ avatar, located in the top right of your screen. Hover and select ‘Favorites’ from the drop-down menu.

Here you’ll see all of your created Favorites lists. Select the ‘Invite All to Job’ button on your desired Favorite list. You’ll then be prompted to complete the job posting form and once complete - voila! Your entire Favorites list has been invited to a job. 


Why Did A Favorited Demo Or Portfolio Sample Disappear From My Favorites List?

If a talent deletes a demo or portfolio sample from their profile, this will remove their work from all Favorites lists.


Can A Talent Live On More Than One Of My Favorite Lists?

Yes, talent can live on one or multiple Favorites lists. 

If you would like to add the demo or portfolio sample to more than one Favorites list, you can do so by checking each box you would like to add it to.


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Article Number
First Published
07/13/2022 08:48
Last Modified
07/13/2022 08:48
All (Client)
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