How To train Your Dragon 2: Singing

Movie Trailers


I was Cate Blanchett's voicematch on the movie and did her ADR and also sang this duet with Gerard Butler.

Vocal Characteristics




Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, I love this one But our song off women and sail on savage seas with nerve fear off boning and gladly right toe weaves ovoid if you study me new scorching sun not freezing cold Well, well, so beyond my job, That's all If you will promise me on love and love me for it My dearest one my darling dear, You're my words s stoned me But I no need of mighty deeds When I feel your arms around e I would beg you Ting Tau e u for him I would keep you from harm if you would stay beside me. I have no use for rings of gold I cannot follow. You only want your toe like gold They want you to wait. Wait, I don't know. I'm done