Political Demo

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Political demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins is protecting Kansas property owners from an overreaching E P A that wants new regulations applied to millions of acres of private property. Thank you, Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, for standing up for property rights and for Kansas. Where does the I am? Dues? Money go. President Obama's Labor Department wants to get to the bottom of it. They know the I Am is living large off union dues, corporate jet vacations to places like Hawaii, Beverly Hills and plenty of $1000 dinners, all paid with I am members. Union DUES Ted Cruz divides to get a vote. John Kasich unites to get things done. Kasich delivered on his word and turned his state around with grit and determination, something New Yorkers appreciate. John Kasich for president. The Sun rises over Kansas and Tim Mules camp has been up for hours. You see the mules. Camp Family's been farming in Kansas for over 100 years. Tim Mules Camp knows that fighting for our way of life is a lot like farming and raising a family. It takes time and hard work, and it takes Kansas, not Washington values paid for by Kanzi ins for you'll scamp