Sincere Engaging Documentary Narrator



Creative, calm and focused. This dynamic, documentary vo will connect on your audience in a visceral level. Available via SourceConnect, Zoom, Google Hangouts or the platform of your choice. Bright, cherry, informative, open, energetic, warm, confident, conversational, supportive, friendly.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hillary would wander into town and sit undetected near the missions side entrance. It was the perfect observation post because it was shaded and in the summer, nearly hidden from view by the full leaves of an oak tree. On this particular day. As she sat peering out from her protected hideaway, she found herself fascinated by a beautiful young girl close to her own age, dressed in a historical embroidered and beaded blouse with a matching skirt sitting on the edge of the fountain. Often, girls in the town would dress the part, usually to sell food or drinks. The girl spoke to no one, her silky long hair nearly falling into the water, her elegant fingers rescuing the strands in the nick of time and tucking them behind her delicate ears. Periodically. She would look around at the wandering tourists, but not a soul spoke to her. The girl didn't move and neither did Hillary. They sat for hours this way.