Documentary Demo



Informative, educational, informative, natural, a storyteller, and a reporter - samples of narration for cultural programming, children's audiobooks and e-learning, NASA and space exploration, and government issues

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it provides one reason why, in his battles with Marshall, Jefferson was consistently outmaneuvered. Jefferson died on July 4th, 18 26. As for Marshall, he served on the court for nine more years until his own death on July 6th, 18 35. Outdoor painting or on plain air and French became a fashion in late 19th century France, with the advent of Impressionism after it was brought to America on plain air faded from popularity with the advent of Expressionism rediscovered in the 19 eighties on plain air painting is now the fastest growing art movement in the US Today were on Coke Lang. It's an island on the west coast of southern Thailand. In the crabby river estuary. It's a Rams are site for its significant importance at a global level, and it's populated mostly by Muslim communities of small scale Fisher families. The low lying island has the highest elevation of about one meter above sea level, making the 5000 or so locals extremely vulnerable to any storm that hits the coast here, particularly in monsoon season.