Animation VO Reel II

Profile photo for M. Marukami
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Various Characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, I met a bunch of kids, played some cards, got detention, got everyone's favorite game band. 2357 Those are all prime numbers. There's no way there's a natural phenomenon. Okay, okay. Let's just calm down and pull up the star file on Vega. We are live from the seventh annual kids Favorite, Famous people and stuff of the Year. Well, you look at that. So, you know, there they go. And yet here we are, just you and me together. Hello? Apparently you're spinning around and apparently, every time you get dizzy. When I went down one, I was scared half to death. You want to know my suggestion? Yeah. You know, there's certain things you can do, Thio uplift your improve the quantity of and really get your You know, you. What are you thinking? You call them back and you tell them right now who they're dealing with. Because my name is Sasha and I want my ice cream right now. Yeah, I collect these things here and there. Then you'd be good. Do me Good old Sally.