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Sometimes when you have a great idea, you want to tell the world. So the next time you have a great idea. Don't be shy. Sprint. Be there now. Be pampered For you, it may mean a sun drenched beach or a spiritual journey to a quiet spot retreat. One thing's for sure. The only one that's going to pamper you is you. Now that I Mac has brought the Internet into millions of homes, the question is, Do you change your core to match your Mac, or do you change your Mac to match it? A core? That's the conundrum. All parents have hopes and dreams for their kids, but one thing is certain about their future. It will be brighter if it's healthier. Talk to your kids about not smoking will listen. How did we come up with the first energy drink for women? Nothing to it. No calories, no fat, no carbs, no sugar. Finally, there's a drink that zeroes in on just the kind of energy a woman needs. I'm not in the light meters. I'm not in the lens filters. I just want to take a picture. Kodak's maximum versatility film for better looking pictures in sunlight, low light action or still Kodak Gold Max. It's all you need to know about film, you know, with all the products out there these days, sometimes it's hard to know what's what tied invites you to pick just one. No hard feelings.