Minnesota Power - Smart Wires PowerLine Guardian Installation

Video Narration


Business video describing Minnesota Power's work with Smart Wires' Power Flow Control Technology in Little Falls.

Keywords: Energy Forward, strategy, transformation, delivery, efficiency, electricity, industry, power,
renewable resources, wind, water, solar, clean energy, deployment, community, modern, modernization,
integration, distributed resources, engineer, contribution, creativity, solutions, technology, growth,
sustainability, environment, benefits, beneficial, flexibility, innovation, innovative, affordability,
installation, infrastructure, reliability, consistency, power grid, safety, real-time, automation, emergency
response, power outage, problem-solvers, problem solver, technical, technical excellence, proud, pride, cost
effective, capable, capability, responsiveness, explainer

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
energy forward is Minnesota power strategy to provide safe, reliable and clean energy while helping transform the way energy is produced, delivered and used in Minnesota. While strengthening the electric grid that delivers energy, toe homes, businesses and industry. They're generating more power from renewable resource is like wind, water and solar. As part of this initiative, Minnesota Power Deployed Smart wires, Power line Guardian. A power flow control technology.