Ross Huguet Commercial Demo(Enthusiastic, Genuine, approachable, high energy)

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Video Narration


This demo showcases a good cross section of work featuring commercials by Ross Huguet.

From the booming, deep, authoritative read to the conversational every man. Ross' voice is warm friendly and smooth. He can pull off the deep, passionate tones of Barry White, the gravelly, conversational style of Tim Allen or John Cusack and the traditional, believable manor of John Corbett. Ross can do the \"guy next door\" with the best of them and will add some quirkiness to you humorous projects. His versatile skills are also well suited for high energy, friendly, approachable, trustworthy reads. His voice ranges from young adult to middle aged.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a long time ago. It a galaxy not so far away. One airline changed everything, and they flown a gazillion miles, which is flipping far. So round up the crew with a round of Miller Lite and tap the future gross misconduct. Disturbing the pantry. A hole under siege Say hello Toe Home defense Max. Total traction. Total comfort Power to your suite. Nike Power Platform Technology. Because no matter what your dream is, or how seemingly impossible way have, the resource is to help get it done. When form inspires function, it's beautiful. All new lost. Six. Bringing the world to Africa and taking Africa to the world. Get back to business in a snap, giving you greater possibilities. It's a delicious source of potassium subway. Eat fresh with just 130 calories per serving. What's not to love?