Whiteboard Explainer Video Sample - The Draw Shop (Branding, Corporate Messaging, Training) - Informative, Educational, Relatable, Storyteller.

Video Narration


Whiteboard Video/Explainer Video Sample - Relatable, Conversational, Smart, Knowledgeable, Natural, Informative, Authentic, Storyteller, Warm, Cool, Youthful, Millennial, Gen X, Gen Y, Xennial, General American, African-American, Diverse, Real.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
everyone's telling you. You need a video, your competitors have one. A great one. It's all you keep hearing about. Maybe that's why they're blowing up. While you're not exactly blowing the doors off. Maybe all those researchers who actually done studies and said that video is the best way to get your message across and make it stick. We're right. After all, it's science. So you're gonna have to do something. Her rowing partner. Take a bold step and do something epic so you can stop leaving money on the table while the guys with the videos have all the fun. Problem is, you don't exactly know how to make a video, let alone the right kind of video. You don't even know what the right kind of video is. That's kind of an obstacle. But how do you even hire someone to make it for you? Every single video company doesn't just say they're good or even great. They say they're the best, every single one. You may not be Einstein, but even you know that map doesn't exactly add up before you chuck in the towel. Maybe we can help with the draw shop. This entire team has your back ready to make animated whiteboard and cartoon sales and explainer videos that are impossible to ignore, impossible to misunderstand and impossible to resist.