British Corporate (Refined , Bold , Commanding , Transatlantic , Neutral , Inspirational , Anthemic)

Video Narration


Professional , authoritative , boss , aggressive , matter-of-fact , straightforward , monotone , corporate , business , company , science , tech , forward-thinking , innovative

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Today's rhetoric is so loud, it's deafening, so chaotic, it's blinding. Every group has a special interest driving their own bias. How can we decipher what's true when surrounded by smoke and mirrors? Semantics. In a world where everyone has their own answers? What if we step back to discover the right questions to observe, cross, examine, traverse and bi curious to understand the global patterns and trends impacting every facet of our lives? What if there was a truth grid to philtre out fact from fiction and uncover the agendas that shape our world beyond going further than I ever dreamed? Flying faster than ever imagined? Stretching the limits of physics, engineering on DH understanding It's being our obsession for 30 years. It's why we're developing saver to make travelling beyond the Earth's atmosphere more efficient, more accessible, more possible