BMW Commercial 2019 Tri State Area , Southern California , Bay Area

Television Ad


2019 , Current , Alive , Accredited , All American , All Ethnicities , Any Ethnicity , App , Approachable , Apps , Articulate , Asian , Asian American , Los Angeles , New York , New York Metropolitan , Bay Area , San Francisco , San Diego , Las Vegas , Southern California , aristocrat , Authentic , Bright , Calm , Calming , Caring , Cheerful , Chinese , Clear , Civil , Cultivated , College , Comforting , Commanding , Commercials , courtly , Commercial , Confident , Conversational , Cool , Corporate , Classy , Classic , Corporation , Crisp , Customer Service , Collected , Cycles , Dependable , Direct , Down to Earth , discerning , Downloadable , Download , Dramatic , Dynamic , Educated , Elevated , Exquisite , Refined , Polished , Proper , upper class , civilized , tasteful , cultivated , scientific , scholarly , opulent , upscale , affluent , cultured , brainy , Energetic , Engaging , excellent , Experienced , Finance , prosperous , independent , Flirty
Friendly , Gen X , Gen Y , Gentle , Genuine , Girl Next Door , Guest Services , Happy , High School , Holiday , Honest , Hulu , Informative , Intelligent , Japanese , Lawyer , Low Pitch , Low Pitched , Mature , Member Services , Middle Age , Middle Aged , Millennial , Modern , Mom , mannered , Natural , Netflix , Network , Non-Union , Online , Pandora , Polished , Popular , Powerful , Presenter , Professional , Pure , Radio , Real , Recruiter , Refined , Refreshing , Relatable , Reliable , Resonant , Rich , Royal , Sales , Sales Team , Sassy , Seasoned , Sexy , Silicon Valley , Sincere , Small Business , Smart , Smooth , Soft , Soothing , Sophisticated , Spotify , Standard American , Storyteller , Strong , Stylish , Sultry , Sweet
Talented , Teacher , Tech , Technology , Text to Speech , Therapist , Thoughtful , Trendy , Trustworthy , Understated , Union , SAG-AFTRA , Upbeat , Cool , Uplifting , Versatile , Warm , Well Known , Whimsical , Young Adult , Young Mom , Youthful , academic , acknowledged , actual , adept , agile , agriculture , allowed , animal , approachable , appropriate , approved , artful , astute , attitude , authorized , bold , brilliant , broadcasting , business Woman , canny , capable , carnal , chatty , chosen , clean , clear , clever , communicative, computer, concierge, confirmed, conventional, corporal , corporeal , credited , cultural , cunning , current , customary , cute , descriptive , dexterous , diagnostic , differentiating , discerning , distinctive , distinguishing , dynamic , edifying , educated , education , educational , effective , effectual , efficient , electrical , elucidative , endorsed , energetic , energy , enlightening , enterprising , essential , established , everyman , exclusive , experienced , expert , exclusive , explanatory , facile , familiar , fashionable , fortune, fortunate , film , fleshly , flirt , forceful , forthcoming , fresh , gifted , good , gossipy , grounded , handy , helpful , hospitality , human , hushed , illuminating , in vogue , incisive , indicative , individual , individualistic , information , informational , informative , ingenious , insightful , instructional , instructive , intelligent , intense , intuitive , judicious , keen , kosher , leader , learned , legit , live events , local , luxury cars , luxury segment , luxury market, mainstream , masterful , mastery , material , mother , motherly , natural , neat , news , newsy , nifty , nimble , observant , obvious , ominous , ordinary , organic , original , particular , patient , passion , passionate , privileged , pedestrian , penetrating , personal , private , perspicacious , physical , piercing , popular , powerful , practiced , preferred , prepared , private , proven, proficient , proper , particular, publication, qualified , quick-witted , received , recognized , representative , responsible , restaurant , revealing , revelatory , royal , real , refined , sanctioned , savvy , scholarly , superb , scholastic , sensitive , sharp , shining , sparkling , spirit , spirited , sterling , significant, singular , skilled , skillful , smart , software , special , specific , standard , stoic , simple , straight , substantial , subtle , symbolic , symptomatic , talented , telecommunication , track record, time-honored , trained , travel , typical , unique , useful , vehicles , widespread , wisdom , whimsical , wise

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
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