Laura Witek Commerical Demo

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From the Bubbly Girl Next Door to the Sultry , Sassy Flirt , Laura's voice has depth and range. She can be warm , inviting , comforting , calm , strong , confident and always natural and articulate.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I remember who I waas before I wore suit when interest had nothing to do with money. When I stayed up all night for something other than a deadline at the Orchid in Maui, I remember who I am. Do you want to be the one she tells her deep, dark secrets to? Or do you want to be her deep, dark secret? Don't be such a good boy. Just do it is some sort of annoying conscience. It doesn't accept excuses or a note from your mother. It's the voice that sits on the shoulder of everyone who ever faced a big challenge or wondered, Could I do it? That could be the woman you keep glancing at in the rear view mirror. Or maybe the one you see from time to time at lunch way might even work together. Do you think I don't look back when you get right down to it? Doris. Off color context Air about change. They're not a big change. They're a little change. Oh, my goddess of the red, Red Rose. You mean so happy. There's something I should tell you. Michael. What is it? I'm leaving you another business trip by princess. You know Michael, there is someone else. Someone else. Well, how can you eat at a time like this? Is watch some. Which came first. The chicken or the is the glass half full or half empty. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear doesn't make a sound. There are no crowds. There is no danger. Just my breath in and out. I am secure. The way is clear. If you're lost, we'll help you find your way. If you know your way, feel free to lose yourself. If attempts your palate challenges you, makes you feel euphoric is exquisite, involves a concierge or leaves footprints in the sand. It's included the human touch. When it comes to feeling good, sometimes it can make all the difference. The human link at your shop co pharmacy.