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Various voiceovers for medical purposes:
Nemours Hospital System ThedaCare Hospital System MultiCare Hospital System Monarch Medical Gentle Dental Premier Point Services Colorado Joint Replacement APOKYN Drug

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
one day. Soon she'll have her first piano recital in college. She'll start a band and replace three drummers, and Moore's will help make it all possible because even though she was born with a hearing impairment, we're here today with one of the country's leading air, nose and throat programs to give her the latest treatment innovations and the promise of even better days to come. You've tried everything. You want to lose weight and be happier. You are not alone. Founded by doctors, Monarch Medical knows how to help you lose weight. Let's face it, going to the dentist can be tough, but at gentle dental, we make it as easy as possible by being gentle on your teeth, gentle on your schedule and gentle on your pocketbook. No matter your mountain, we'll help you climb it at the regions. Premier destination for hip and knee replacement surgery. Colorado Joint Replacement part of the center. A health orthopedic system of care or Berra is not a drug and not surgery. It's the same day procedure a balloon is temporarily placed in your stomach to make you feel full and help you eat less. In the past year, Medicare doctors submitted nearly 200 e consulates for complex cases to Mayo Clinic at no cost to their patients, and 86% could still be treated locally. The thigh bone's connected to the knee bone. But if the anterior cruciate ligament becomes separated, a team of multi care specialists is connected to your complete health history. Many patients air choosing to receive their infusion treatments outside of a traditional hospital setting as a more cost effective option. Premier Points Ambulatory Infusion Center is elevating expectations. A pickin must be injected just under the skin and not into a vein. Injecting a pickin into a vein could cause a blood clot. Your health care provider may prescribe a medicine called Teagan Try Method Ben's a mind hydrochloride.