TFO Demo

Video Narration


I was fortunate to be selected over 46 other applicants for this VO, and the client was very pleased with the results. *Description* - An internal educational video for a Broadcaster. The voice was featured over motion graphic animation citing all the amazing statistics about the brand. The client was looking for a voice that was energetic, friendly, authoritative, enthusiastic, looking for mid-30s sounding with lots of energy.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We're about to let you in on a secret that you should tell everyone about a secret about exciting media opportunities for your brand. Ah, secret that engages moms with young kids, teens and adults alike. The Secret is called group Media T fo, an award winning educational content producer and distributor that entertains intelligently across all platforms with fun interactive learning experiences for Francophones and Francophiles, too. In other words, we believe that every kid can be a smarty pant alone discovered the world of mini T fo with your kid's favorite hosts, their friends and new shows. They'll be sure to love, connect with youth through flip alive and interactive daily program for teens or escape into the worlds of award winning programs like Subito. Text. 04 adults kick back and relax with 24 7 Keep up with the action A Queen's Park with Oana Far or enjoy a daily dose of world class cinema with seen a T. F. O. So why should you consider t fo for parents? We've been a valuable and trusted partner for 30 years. For advertisers, we reach over 800,000 people every week. 60% of them are in Quebec, we offer an Uncluttered environments that connects choice brands with are engaged audience through sponsorship, editorial integration, custom branded content solutions and amplification through the Jones Media Network, The secret is out made Group Media, TF Oh, your French partner.