Two Political Spots

Profile photo for Jim Wunderlich
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Jim Wonderlic political spot. We love him. They call him Friendly Fred. And when he rides his bike to the D. A's office every morning, this quiet and humble man is met with the universal respect. Under his leadership these past three years, the district attorney's office has launched many effective and progressive new programs, no matter how busy he gets friendly. Fred has an open door in a kind word for all, as our d a Fred Rose deal has truly been the family lawyer to the people of a pursuit county, Fred Rosedale, for a pursuit district attorney. Panic fear. Bank runs bang crimes. They can deepen. Recessions, cost taxpayers money, spread unemployment. We know we've seen it before. And what did Senator Byrd do when the crisis hit? When Burr learned to the banking crisis last fall, he told his wife to go to the A team and get as much of their money as she could. Burke panicked. Then he said he'd do it again. In times of crisis, we need calm, steady, leaders