The Heart of Adventure - Deep, Slow, Thoughtful, Inspiring, Uplifting, Bold, Strong

Profile photo for Jesse Adam
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Natural & believable are the first two words that comes to most client’s minds when describing Jesse's voice. Jesse is a male vo talent who's voiceover style has also been described as conversational, guy next door, friendly, caring, relatable, trustworthy, young, youthful, religious, generation x, generation y, announcer, high energy, believable, millennial, accessible, authentic, natural, narrator, genuine, soft sell, hard sell, sincere, cool, hip, relatable, knowledgeable, promo, urgent, Canadian, American, North American, and educational. He is consistently cast for a wide range of age requirements, including male teen, 20's, 30's, & 40's (13-45).

Authoritative, caring, compassionate, deep, brooding, strong, bold, angry, casual, conversational, smooth, crisp, articulate, business, CEO, businessman, man, male, young, youthful, cool, calm, happy, genuine, friendly, buddy, IT guy, corporate, professional, intense, evil, hero, super hero, comedic, funny, gritty, preacher, romantic, engaging, personable, business man, motivational, motivational speaker, authentic, movie trailer, character, cartoon, velvety, wise, narrator,

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
These are the peaks where adventures are created and destroyed or towering spires in relentless wind waits to be challenged. Only a fool be so brazen without a plan. C. Good adventure always begins with a plan where minds alike dream of big objectives, ones that leave a mark on the map. Let's start at 3 a.m. Hours before first light. It's not until pushing off from base camp, which begins field creeping in security of exposure. Your safety blanket is gone. It's just you. In this wild landscape you foolishly set out to conquer and no one said Mother Nature bythe midst of this adversity, your true character shines through. It's where you learn the most about yourself. It's now clear why each pedal stroke each power or handhold. You're no longer looking where you came from, where you're about to go