VIDEO NARRATION / Advertisements / Conversational / Approachable

Video Narration


You will hear a fresh, youthful sound with a natural, conversational and approachable quality to attract the appropriate demographic.

Clips include Cricket Wireless, Blue Marble Payroll, Youth Led Digital Mapping Initiative, Plaza Beach Resort Bonaire, and Revealed Smoky Palette by Coastal Scents.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Cricket Wireless would like to give our customers a gift. A really special gift. Wait a minute. That's not it. No wrong box. Uh, no, it's cricket. Rewards are new loyalty program. Majority of the U. S. Companies are expanding globally to increase revenues due to a different set of legal, accounting and administrative rules in different countries, seven out of 10 companies say their biggest problem is managing global payroll. Natural disasters are extreme events that can strike suddenly and without warning. In 2010 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, was a victim of a series of massive floods, destroying property and claiming lives. Whether you wish to spend your day sun bathing at the beach or try one of the multitude of activities at our activity centre lounge at our tropical pool with a drink from the Coconut Crash Beach bar, or go and explore the reefs of diver's paradise with our own five star Patti Dive School, you will find it all here in our surprisingly unique resort. Give yourself the mysterious look that your admires accentuate your eyes with 20 rich, elegant, smoky shot, effortlessly composed a variety of smoking. Imagine the unrivalled quality of revealed with 20 smoldering new smokey eye shadows discovered the smoky possibilities with revealed smoky Onley, bicoastal sense