Children's Book

Profile photo for Helen Clapp
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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the best bit about being a pirate, said the pirate with gout is the Luton. That's rubbish, said they are being a pirate. It's the doubloons. Doubloons are easily the best bit about Pirated. The rest of the pirates sunning themselves on the deck of the pirate boat soon joined in it have Bean several weeks since the Pirates adventure with cowboys, and they had a lot of time on their hands. Etch the Pirate grog marooning that's was I like burst, Kotla says. The Spanish moon, the chef's best gets One of the pirates pulled a special face to show exactly what he thought of this last comment, and soon all the pirates were fighting with a sound like a bat hitting a watermelon pirate fist connected with pirate jaw and a gold tooth bounced across the deck. The pirate with gout found himself run through in a grisly manner. On one of the cabin boys accidentally got a shiny pirate hook in the side of the head. It would probably have gone on for hours in this fashion, but both of the heavy wooden doors that lead to the downstairs of the boat crashed open and out onto the deck strode. The pirate captain himself, the pirate captain cut an impressive figure. If you were to compare him to a type of tree and working out what sort of tree they would be if they were trees instead of pirates, was easily one of the crew's favourite pastimes. He would undoubtedly be an oak or maybe a horse chestnut. He was all teeth and curls, but with a pleasant open face. His coat was of a better cuts than everybody else's, and his beard was fantastic and glossy, and the ends of it were twisted with expensive looking ribbons. Living at sea tended to leave you with ratty matted hair, But the pirate captain somehow kept his beard silky and in good condition. And though nobody knew his secret, they all respected him for it. They also respected him because it was said he was wedded to the sea. A lot of pirates claimed that they were wedded to the sea, but usually this was an excuse because they couldn't get a girlfriend or they were a *** pirate. But in the Pirate Captains case, none of his crew doubted he was actually wedded to the sea for a minute, any of his men would have gladly taken a bullet for him or even the pointy end of a cutlass. The pirate captain didn't need to do much more than clear his throat and roll his eyes a bit to stop the fighting dead in its tracks. What's going on, you scurvy naves? He bellowed. Pirates were often rude to each other, but without really meaning it. So none of the brawling pirates took being called a scurvy nave too much to heart. We were just discussing what the best bit about being a pirate is, answered the pirate, dressed in green after a bit of an awkward pause. The best bit about being a pirate? Yes, sir, we couldn't quite decide. I mean, it's all good. The best bit about being a pirate is the shanties, and with the argument settled, the pirate captain strode back into the galley, indicating for the pirate with a scarf to follow. The rest of the crew were left on their own. He's right, it's the shanties, said the albino pirate. Thoughtfully, one of the other pirates nodded. They are really good. Shall we sing a pirate shanty