English Sample Mix

Video Narration


A sample mix of different English accents

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's no need to cut the lawn shovel the driveway or climb unnecessary stairs. Those are just three great benefits of living at green Gables, green Gables, the world at your doorstep with all the amenities, you're the only person that knows the truth. And I want to tell my family and my other friends, but I just don't know how I know they won't accept me for me the way you have. I just have a hard time opening up to someone. I get closed off. I feel by being emotional in front of someone makes me very vulnerable and weak and I have a hard time with that. Your individuality is your superpower and we give superpowers room to shine ideas room to run imagination room to wonder and people just like you room to lead. If you can't stop condescending me though, I will walk away. I do not want to be with someone who doesn't love me for me. I want to be treated with the love and respect that I deserve. I'm tired of him. Who the **** does he think he is to insult me that way? I cannot believe it avid. I'm the adult. How dare he, where does he get the nerve to speak that way?