Guns for Hands" - Twenty One Pilots - Episode 05 - Regional at Best: The Web Series

Video Narration


Twenty One Pilots performing at their CD Release Show in New Albany, OH to their song "Guns for Hands."

(Website hidden)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good evening on Welcome to 21 pilots. Right now there are they would like to weigh in on it is the first track on there out of you. I present form 21. I know what you think Morning The sun shines on and show what you have done It show where your mind has gone You swear, Teo, that will never have Let's take this second at a time. Take This was on this one Time together Let's breathe together To me There's a window wait Ways to come straight in unison The formula My disorder, Mike Anderson When this incense it upsets What's up to my best interest? Interesting. And putting my fingers So my head solution is a whole swath. Simply tell them they should shoot this police Adjust my chest on this confusing obviously 10 joy joy in it