British Podcasting: John Hurt soundalike



2112 Party invitation
"You do a better impression of me than I do!" John Hurt to me, "Stop Press," Cambridge, England, 1984.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
dear hedonists. Val millennia The mind of man has sought to peer into the future and to know its destiny. This monumental task has occupied the greatest minds of history. From Michelle de Nostra, Tom to Sir Isaac Newton David Like, what will partying be like in 2112? How will people have fun in the next century? Those staggeringly important questions are often overlooked by so called serious futurists. However, these vital questions must be answered. And it is we the brave souls of tomorrow who must provide those answers. On Saturday, 26th of May 2012 you are invited to a party in the year 2112 Dress and participate As you imagine, **** SAPIENs will in the next century. Utopia, Dystopia, Spandex from the 20th century What is the shape of social intercourse? Cybernetic, robotic, telepathic lovemaking. There is a wealth of material for you to divine the future ofthe fun wondering, uh