Multiple Female Characters for Animation Demo



Fairies, animals, a granny, and other characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh good. You're here. Would you help me find my gift please? I got my brother something extra special. So I hid it in a very secret place where no one could find it. Unfortunately. Now I can't find it if you well now that the helps keeping is done I can finally relax. What shall I do first? Oopsy daisy watch where you're going, Little sweet. What happened darling? Oh looks like Tracy is going to slip me one of my favorite treats. It's one of those beefy, fishy, stinky, crunchy things. So excited. Don't lose your wand! He said oh I am so foolish. What am I going to do without my wand? It was made from the finest unicorn hair that Mr miraculous had. I mean I like a good breakfast and dinner, but there's nothing like a nice snack when we are all together and being lazy. I'm really good at that. Oh!