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Profile photo for Butch McCain
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Announcer, Everyman, Storyteller, Alpha Male, Business Man, Aggressive, Attitude, Authoritative, Believable, Bold, Booming, Commanding, Dynamic, Movie Trailer, Strong, North American, US General American (GenAm), US Midwest (Chicago, Great Lakes)

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the sea at the core of every Explorer. There's a strong desire to dominate it or least harness its energy. The world is alive way. Move, love, dream and breathe with it. Way pause for breath to prepare ourselves for the challenges we face. 17 year old Woody Guthrie had just quit high school in the small oil boom town of Pampa, Texas. Stories. Nothing does a better job of giving a peek into an unimaginable world. As a good story. You may not realize this, but we've been through a lot together. No, like, Ah, lot. Think about it at first. Farmers. We understand that not everyone's day begins at sunrise or ends when the sun goes down. In the days of the Old West, cowboys live by an unspoken code. You are ready, an endless blue without boundaries, heart full of skies. You name the breezes, you're shifting horizons. Your story of recovery