Bryan Kopta - ENACTO - B2B, Friendly, Professional, Corporate

Profile photo for Bryan Kopta
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Friendly, Conversational, Believable, Professional, Confident, Informative, Authoritative, Animated, Upbeat, Corporate, Business, Internet, Enthusiastic, North American, Neutral American, GenAm, B2B

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Fred and Bury share a passion for barbecuing Italian football and funny coffee mugs. But it worked. They couldn't different MAWR as the energy manager France job is to reduce the company's overall energy consumption report on energy performance, deal with energy on its and justify the results to the CFO. And that's Barry very deals with shareholders, environmental norms and capital and operational expenditure. So if Fred's having difficulties, very is, too. That's why they trust in Acto in Acto monitors energy consumption of an entire real estate, calculates the R A y of energy saving products and flag suspicious consumption areas. That way, Fred can immediately act if something goes awry, instead of wasting his time making reports, operational costs drop, energy savings go up and the company can invest in other areas like sustainability. That means the shareholders air, please, and so are Fred and Bury in Acto energy intelligence. You can act on