Disney's Haunted Mansion - Scary, Spooky, Frightening, Dark & Gravelly

Profile photo for Brad Ziffer
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


Me, channeling my inner Paul Frees.
I can assist with all your October / Halloween needs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when hinges creak in doorless chambers on strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls whenever candle lights flicker where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight. Welcome, foolish mortals to the haunted mansion. I am your host, your ghost host. Kindly step all the way in, please, and make room for everyone. There's no turning back now. Yeah, our tour begins here in this gallery, where you see paintings of some of our guests as they appeared in their corruptible mortal state. Please drag your body's away from the walls and into the dead center of the room. Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room actually stretching, or is it your imagination? And consider this dismaying observation. This chamber has no windows and no doors, which offers you this chilling challenge to find a way out. Of course, there's always my way. Oh, I didn't mean to frighten you prematurely. The rial Jill's come later. Now, as they say, look alive and we'll continue our little tour. And let's all stay together, please. There are several prominent ghosts who have retired here from creepy old Crips all over the world. Actually, we have 999 happy haunts here, but there's room for 1000. Any volunteers? If you insist on lagging behind, you may not need to volunteer.