Bill DeWees - Political

Radio Ad


Political commercial demos.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Kansas proud 34th star on the American flag. Kansas, it's our home and Kansas is the place that feeds the world. There's nothing more important here than Kansas agriculture and that's why Kansas needs a governor who understands and supports our ag economy. Congressman. Eliot Engel is a leader on important issues. Engel fought to protect Medicare and Social Security as a leader on issue after issue, it's clear we need Eliot Engel to keep fighting for us. In 2020 Representative Brand Haydn was manager of an apartment complex. Things didn't go well. Bedbug. Brand Haydn said it wasn't his job, but while he was getting paid, he passed a bill making tenants pay for bed bucks, bedbug Brandt, that's just gross California is burning, but republican tom mcclintock voted repeatedly against fire protection and relief. Don't get burned by McClintock again, Jeff Bravado is just another corrupt politician from Oyster Bay. Privado increased payments to a company that bribed in Man Geno on November six vote, no on Jeff Privado